At this time NRC Services are conforming to all guild lines and directives sent out by The Government, Health England, and the Construction Leadership Council. We take our employees safety and well-being seriously, so we have put into place many policies and procedures to try and alleviate contracting or transmitting Covid 19. Attached here are our head office and on-site risk assessments.
We have a designated Covid 19 Officer, whose duties are to carry out – back to work inductions, site assessments, return visits to reiterate the current and any new legislation, carrying out risk assessments for all tasks we undertake, and monitoring all site are safe and all guidelines are been adhered to reporting these back to the individual site managers and directors. We provide all our offices and sites with the correct hygiene sensitisation chemicals to keep areas clean and disinfected, also personal hand sanitisers for all operatives when there are no fixed hand sanitising stations.